So I hear it's the end of the world. I hear the economy is collapsing and the country's infrastructure is caving in. I hear that people are miserable and starving and don't have health insurance and the water is bad and the weather is changing and it's all my fault. I find it hard to believe. What the fuck did I do?
To be honest, my home economy is looking up: the job is busy as ever, I have all the overtime I can handle (still working 60+ hours a week), gas and oil prices are going down just in time for the heating season and my biggest worry is trying to SAVE enough EXTRA money for Xmas. Am I just lucky, or is it not as bad as they're telling me?
Unlike previous years, I haven't kept up on the election. I've been a casual observer this time around. Ultimately, I get the feeling it won't really matter either way; Washington is unable to make any real change in peoples lives these days. For all the fist banging and pontificating, not much will change over the next four years (excepting catastrophic event of course). Philosophically, I lean to the right I guess, so I'll vote McCain. I don't like the government having too much of my money and giving it away on my behalf. When I hear that the US gave billions of dollars in foreign aid or to help out victims of some typhoon or something, I feel I've done my part. I no longer feel obligated to give charitably as in effect the government has done so for me. If the government gave away less, and in turn TOOK LESS FROM ME IN THE FIRST PLACE, I would be inclined to give and ultimately be a better member of society. I don't like the government making these decisions for me. I prefer a government that trusts me to do the right thing.
Anyhoo, back to the coming Armageddon... I actually have been pretty worried about the state of things. But really, it's all rooted in what I see on TV. My neighbors seem happy enough as do my coworkers. There's a general state of malaise and melancholy, but again I think it's coming more from what people BELIEVE is happening as opposed to what is happening to anyone. Sure there are tangible signs of bad mojo in the air, but those can always be found when you look for them.
The only real thing that has happened over the past few weeks is the stock market crash. My 401k lost some big potential bucks there. And a lot of other people lost imaginary money too. And I guess that sucks. When you have your hopes and dreams wrapped up in the promise of invisible wealth it must be disturbing to your sleep and lifestyle as the smoke is blown away. Sorta like trying to drink water with your hands: you can get a good gulp now and again, but you can't hold on. In the end it flows through your fingers.
I prefer to keep my dreams close. I will work to the day I die as it is clear there will not be such a concept as "retirement" when I get there. But as long as my sons grow to be men I can be proud of and they proud of me then fuck the smoke dollars. I'll get by and things will be OK. As they are today.
Goodbye January
3 weeks ago
Glad to see you writing again, I should have something new up myself here soon (I hope).
Yeah things suck right now but it doesn't do any good to worry about them, the only thing that truly matters is what's going on right now and it sounds like things are going well for you.
Yeah, I guess I may be putting the blinders on a bit. But you''re right: no good will come of worrying
How's the computer troubles coming? Looking forward to new stuff.
Computer is working ok so far, I have a friend who's a computer nerd who fixed it. I'm still not sure exactly what was wrong but according to him it was an easy fix.
I'm hoping to have something new up by the end of today. It's even Halloween related!
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