Monday, December 26, 2011

Today’s Shower Idea

I do my best thinking in the shower. I guess it’s that one moment during the day I am truly free to think without even the smallest distraction. The problem is, the shower is also the one place I have no method of capturing any passing glimmers of brilliance. I can’t begin to tell you of all the beginnings of great pieces of music or potential epic novels that have circled down my drain over the years. But today’s post isn’t about thinking in the shower – rather about a thought I had today and actually took the time to jot down for later use.

Today I read an article about a space phenomenon that led me to develop in my head a quick high-level story arc. I could envision my saga being spread out over the span of multiple volumes featuring generations of characters and taking place over several centuries – life, love, determination, death, heroism and courage. Now I know I’m being a bit vague here as there is the potential I could one day sit down, put pencil to paper and get this epic yarn out of my dreams and into my car and into your sweaty little hands in the form of a book (or other new-fangled paperless reading device). But the scale of this story brought about another thought I actually would like to share: I wonder if humanity could muster the vision and maintain the support to accomplish something greater than any individual person.

Here’s where I’m going with this: Those oft-cited most important accomplishments in human history – like the pyramids or the Great Wall of China – took lifetimes to build. One person has an idea to build something. This idea is maintained by a series of other people as a motivator and morale builder for leading a society of non-workers. The actual “work” is done on the backs of slave labor which is easy for non-workers to then support for extended periods – even generations. Eventually it becomes an assumption that the work must continue and the job will be completed, hence the burden of maintaining the momentum becomes simpler. When you are born with a project underway, it is all the more difficult to make the leap to questioning why the project was even started; why it is continuing.

The story I came up with today dabbles in this idea of the need for a group of people to inspire the current (or slightly future) Human Race to come together and begin a project that will take multiple generations/lifetimes to achieve. Those that start the project will never see it come to fruition. Neither will their children. But it requires resources, input and support from all members of humanity to achieve. With the culture of immediacy we live in today could you imagine us being able to transcend politics, transcend the instant gratification to embark on a project that will require global sacrifice? Where those making that sacrifice today may not live to witness tangible progress on said project?

I don’t have the answers. Maybe they’ll come to me in the shower sometime.


Galileo said...

Invader Norbert from XE. How did I not know you had your own blog here? And that you've been running it as long as I've run mine?

Adding you to followers list & blogroll asap!

Fungusmungus said...

Well Norb, I don't know. But here it is and here you are. So I guess all is better in the world.

Fungusmungus said...

@Galileo And just like that - you're at the top of my 'People I think are cool' list... Congrats.

Anonymous said...

What the *** are you talking about ? The only words thats gonna come out of my dumb ass is " KEEP SHOWERING TO KEEP THE IDEA GROWING!"

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