Yes in-double-deedie, I do drink a lot of coffee. And booze. Sometimes coffee AND booze.
Saturday night at the Mungus house is drinking night. I don't generally drink more than two or three beers during the week (more than that is snooze time). But Saturday is another story. I go into work a little later than usual, space my caffeine consumption (so as not to crash too early), get the kids to bed a little early and... off we go. Generally I'll start with a caffeinated alcoholic beverage (winter time is Irish coffee time, summer I may indulge in a Sparks or whatever the latest 6-8% alcohol energy drink is) then move on to beer.
As times are pretty lean around here, beer brand is limited to the bottom of the shelf brands (Busch, Natural Ice, Milwaukee's Best). These not-so-fine spirits get the job done, but leave me dehydrated and with a splitting headache Sunday morning. Sometimes on special occasions (or around tax time or something), we'll splurge on some Sam Adams or something a bit higher up the wall. And on those occasions it seems the required recovery time is less. But again, these are special occasions.
Over the course of a standard Saturday night, I may need to intersperse caffeinated beverages in (to keep the Beast Sleep at bay). The standard procedure is: a pot of coffee is made in the morning. This pot is consumed. A second pot is made in the evening. One or two hot cups is made, the rest goes in the fridge for emergency speed consumption. If the Beast rears its ugly head, a quick mix can be swirled up and swallowed within 30 seconds driving back said Beast into the shadows for a while. Any remaining cold coffee is reserved for the Sunday morning recovery scene.
During the course of writing this, I have consumed 3 large cups of coffee. I don't stop to look at my hands very often, but when I do, they shake unconsciously. Sometimes they have a mind of their own. My writing is often illegible even to me, as my grandmotherly shaky scrawl meanders about the page. It's a crazed mix of cursive and block letters. Often, I don't know which style I'm writing in. I watch the words flow from my pen as if watching subtitles on a fast-paced foreign film. Wait! was that a typo? that didn't make any sense. What language is this?? What's going on?
I'll write more of my adventures with coffee in the days to come. Stay tuned.
Onward to 2025!
3 weeks ago
Coffee and alcohol seem to both have the effect of keeping me awake, alcohol especially.
It's no fun being awake with alcohol though, because none of your body or mind wants to work properly, so I find myself wide-awake and staring.
Coffee keeps me awake, makes me tremble fiercely and turns my internal organs in to rush hour on the highway, only with more wrecks.
Maybe it's because I don't drink either with any real regularity or volume?
My clinical analysis of both coffee and alcohol consumption is this: both require an effort to build a tolerance. Otherwise they must be consumed in moderation (and we all know moderation is no fun).
Back in the old days (early 90s) I was a regular combiner of substances as it were. Yes, the 90s were my sixties (or whatever). The deadly combination for me though was always smoking pot and drinking alcohol. That is a guaranteed spinning whirlwind of nausea for me. I have since learned my lesson and have become a model citizen (nudge, nudge. Wink, wink).
Model are assembled by parts from assorted kits?
I did most of my drinking between the college age of 16-17 and the first year of work when I was 18. After that it all fizzled out. During college it was just the opportunity to get blitzed (drunk at Disneyland Paris FTW) and at work it was about the same (I was a temp and paid just for turning up, so we could be completely hung over and get paid).
After a while and one specific evening when I found myself unable to lift my head higher than my waist, I kind of felt that perhaps I wasn't suited to makes me feel sick (which I hate), it makes me act stupid (which I can accomplish sober) and it drains my bank balance.
Now I drink mixers for taste and try to avoid actually inebriation. I'm actually a dull drinker!
I was going to start writing about chocolate tonight, but I was messing about earlier and literally ran around in a circle...I feel ill.
I am the visible man:'05AUCTIONLARGE/visiblemanHHmodelMIBL.jpg
I'm afraid there's not much time to drink for enjoyment of flavor. It's strictly for stress release around here (two small kids, 60 hour work week, etc). Haven't gone too far (vomiting, waking up in a puddle, etc) in quite some time. Maybe I should consider it a hobby. like birdhouse building or basket weaving.
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